Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Adding a Title onto Your Photo

Here’s a fun way to add a title to your layout. It is also very versatile, because you can do it so many ways, both digital, hybrid, and in a paper layout. Add your title right onto your picture, using the image itself. As I mentioned there are so many ways you can do this, digitally, using an outline stamp, or hand cut the title from a second copy of the original photo. In my ‘Spring’ layout I outlined the image after I cut it, embossed and added a drop shadow to give it definition. With the fall image I embossed, and added a drop shadow after I played a little bit with the colour of the layer. If you hand cut a title from the photo you may have to outline or ink the edges to add a bit of definition and I would suggest using pop dots before mounting it back onto the photo.

I would love to see how all of you implement this fun technique. If you do a layout using this technique leave a link to your layout in the comments section. I will randomly draw a name from everyone who leaves a link to his or her layout for a small RAK on May 1st.

For the Spring layout I used patterned paper from the Lisa Habisreutinger's Challenge Freebie*, Obsidian Dawn brush, and embellishments from the Rustic Elegance Kit*, Black Chancery, Brock Script, ChiselD fonts, and Bucephalus font on the fall photo. (*colours altered by me)

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