Sunday, April 13, 2008

Inspire inspiration...

Often, we as scrappers find ourselves wrestling with our own creativity... and sometimes we find that we are at an impasse with our mojo. When I find myself struggling, I discovered if I look to my everyday life I can find inspiration in the most unexpected places.

I listen to NPR in my car. I am not sure if everyone is aware that they have brought back "This I Believe". In the 1950s Edward R. Murrow had a radio program in which he sought "to point to the common meeting grounds of beliefs, which is the essence of brotherhood and the floor of our civilization." Basically it is a series of essays in which the writer expresses his or her beliefs on just about anything imaginable! Some are funny, and some will move you to tears...

Let your own personal beliefs inspire your pages and I just bet you will come up with something truly special...

for added inspiration click the link below:

credits: Emily Merrit template,glitter alpha; Katie Pertiet cloud paper& itty bitty alpha; Leiko Beck tar paper, crisp & branched paper; Nicky Ryborg expresso & bluster papers; photo corner from web; typewriter fonts


  1. I believe too! And treasure the friendships made from our KC home.

  2. This is totally inspiring Andrea. I feel the same. Gorgeous layout!
