Wednesday, April 23, 2008

KC Being Down

Hello everyone.
I first want to apologize for how long KC has been down. The programmer and a second programmer and I have been working round the clock since it stopped allowing people to log in. Everyone is stumped. We even uninstalled the update we had added, but it didn't seem to be the problem.

We are still working on it and will hopefully have us back up and going soon.
Thanks for your patience.
Kindred Creations Owner


  1. Hope they can figure it out!! Withdrawl happening

  2. Thanks for the update! I hope this gets resolved soon. :)

  3. haha. I had only been back on KC for 2 days before it went down and I am going through serious KC withdrawal here... :o) Hope it back up soon!!

  4. snding KC healing vibes your way!

  5. Some word finally! Yay!! I was getting worried! Well hopefully its back up soon....I've lost my SB inspiration. sigh...needing KC! :)

  6. I figured you were working on it, thanks for your continued efforts! At least the blog is still working 8)

  7. Glad to know my cyber friends are still breathing out there. ((HUGS)) Rebecca! Oh and I got your package this week, thanks so much for the goodies, can't wait to use those license plates. SuzieQ

  8. Thanks for the update Rebecca.

    Any chance to get the programmer to put a message on the front page so those who don't think to look at the blog will know what's going on.


  9. Its still no working for me and I'm having a devil of a time now trying to get through the paper gallery like it did before. Please fix soon I am having real bad time without my KC friends to chat to. Thanks Maria

  10. Hey....glad you're back up. I still can't post there...or pmail anyone from there either. When I tried to change my password (thinking I was the problem) it gave me another username as well???


  11. I'm back in, but it's still a bit ill. Hopefully things will be up and running properly.
