Tuesday, May 13, 2008

KC is coming back...slowly

You all may have noticed that some parts of the site are working again. We are still working out some changes in the database for the forum, but we're getting there! I can't wait to get things back up and running again I have gotten some amazing new items for the store that I am just dieing to share with everyone.

Thanks for sticking with us through all these big changes. KC should come out of it better, faster and more secure than ever.


  1. Thank you, Becca & programmers for all that you are doing! It is appreciated!

  2. Thnaks, Becca for all you are doing. And Thanks to the programmers too. You are all appreciated. I can't wait to see what the site will be like once you are done.

  3. Thanks for keeping us updated!! Can't wait til it's back up and at it!!
