Monday, July 14, 2008

Frugal can be good

I wish I was a millionaire.  Then I would have the most amazing scrap room with the most amazing supplies.  I look through the magazines and wonder what it would be like to have things at my disposal - just at a whim to pick up something, a tool, a product whatever and use it.  I look at some people's work and wonder what is in their stash.  HOW much is in their stash.

I have to say, I don't have a lot.  I work from one small cabinet.  I have no "room" but a very useful kitchen table.  I have the inspiration of KC and a few other places.  But most of all, I have my imagination.

I love scalloped edges - but have no scallo
p edger.  So - I used my scissors and went free hand.

Dawn did a lay out once that had this awesome tree in it - so I decided to cut out a tree and see what it looked like - okay, not as cute as the original, but hey I still like it and had fun trying!

And finally - here is my cheapest trick.  I bought this chipboard and LOVED it, but of course ran out.  I liked the shapes so much, I kept the 'blanks' and have used them (more than once) to trace and get more swirly stuff from them.

So my challenge to you - find your inspiration and then do it yourself.  Make it from scratch and not only will you save a couple of bucks, but you will be more creative in the process.  Oh ya, and if you have the chance, buy a lottery ticket so you too and have a scrap room like the one in my dreams.  

Happy Scrapping.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome layouts Kirsten, and I totally agree. Some of the pages I was most happy making were the ones I made when I had no stash and had to improvise. Your page is really your own that way.
