Monday, October 27, 2008


One of the first things I decide on when I am designing a layout or a digital kit is a colour palette. For a layout I usually pick 3 or 4 colours and for a kit I pick 5. My favourite resource for coming up with colour palettes is the Adobe Kuler site. You can see the thousands of palettes that have already been created, change an existing palette to suit your colour scheme or create a completely new palette. Once you have decided on your palette, you can download it as a .ase file to use in Photoshop and other editing programs.

Here is a palette I put together for Halloween.

And here is how I used those colours in a layout.

Now go visit the Kuler site, create a palette of your own and then use it as inspiration for a new layout. Don't forget to post it in the Kindred Creations gallery for us to look at!

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