Monday, December 8, 2008

Basic Grey All About Me Kits 2009

Kindred Creations has the opportunity to participate in a year long program with BasicGrey. At least 12 people would need to participate. Every month each participant would get a kit to create All About Me pages.

Each kit is $18 and you get patterned papers and cardstock from their absolutely newest lines, as well as the embellishments that go with them. The kit also comes with a 2 page sketch and photo step-by-step instructions on how to do the layout (the kit makes more than 1 2 page spread though). At the end of the year all 12 participants would recieve a 13th kit for free!

When you sign up you agree to pay for all twelve kits. You will recieve a recurring bill each month in your email from Kindred Creations for the kit cost + shipping.

Each 2 page spread has a theme:
My Favorite Things
Betcha Didn't Know
This I Believe
A Life Changing Moment
Reveal the Real You
My Circle of Friends
When I was a Kid
I Am Unique
Who Inspires Me
A Letter to Myself + the surprise 13th bonus kit.

I've seen the beautiful papers and embellishments, they are gorgeous! What else would you expect from BasicGrey. Unfortunately they will only let me show you the sample layout for the first month.

Interested? Sign up here

1 comment:

  1. I might be interested, but would like to know how much shipping would be in US as well as maybe a sneak peek?

    I've never done a kit club, but am looking forward to doing so...
