Sunday, February 1, 2009

Inspiration for your photos

I have recently discovered that you don't have to be a professional photographer to take some really great shots! All it really takes is a bit of knowledge of what your camera can do (read your manual - I am still reading mine) and some patience... I will explain the patience part...

Andrea's purely UNprofessional tips for taking some good shots.

1. take lots of photos to get one or two great shots. Here is where patience figures in... In this digital age, it is so easy just to be snap happy and then go back later and delete those you don't like from your camera. The more photos you take, the better chances of getting that perfect shot.

2. don't be afraid to move around your subject.

It is easier for the photographer to move and still maintain an intimate shot. Different angles of the same shot will give your photo a whole new perspective.

3. be aware of your lighting. While looking through your view finder, if you see shadows across your subject, those shadows will show up in your photo! If you see these type of shadows MOVE! Just a simple step one way or another may either diminish the shadow, or if there is no way around it use your flash.

4. every picture tells a story. No, I am not talking about Rod Stewart's song. I am referring to the story or emotions you want your photos to convey.

by remembering what it is your are trying to record, you may just get some emotionally jarring shots

hopefully, you find these completely amateur tips useful for the next time you pick up your camera.

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