Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Spread the Word Giveaway!

Help Kindred Creations spread the word about our amazing daily deals and have a chance to earn one free daily deal of your choice!

How to Enter:
1. Post a link to this site on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or anywhere else where you can share great finds with friends. Each link equals one ticket into the drawing for the free daily deal. Post a link to your shared post in a comment.

2. If you have your own blog or other site grab our button text and post it on your blog. Post a link to your site showing the Kindred Creations button, in a comment here and you will get 2 tickets for the drawing.

Drawing for the winner will be done October Sat. October 24th.


  1. I've had the button on my blog for a while now, but here's the link :D

    Plus I spread the word on Myspace, Facebook, Scrap Freak, Two Peas In A Bucket, and on my crop group's web forum on

    I want you to have lots more business because I LOVE this DEAL/DAY site! I check it out ALL the time!!!

    -Gabi from Savannah, TX

  2. Hi! I have you as my status on Facebook -

    And a button on my blog-

    Love your site!
