Wednesday, January 26, 2011

BasicGrey 2011 Page of the Month Program

just recieved details about BasicGrey's 2011 program. It will run from March through February just like last year.
The collections being used for March and April are so new they haven't even release pictures to retailers yet!

Cost will be the same: $25 per kit (shipping included).
There will still be:
Free color instructions–to save you time and money!
New product featured–this year, as in 2010, BasicGrey will feature
only the hottest and latest collections
Theme suggestions–Theme and topic suggestions with every

New this year: extra sketch ideas for the remaining product!

I will post pictures of March kit as soon as I can.

If you are interested in participating please let me know here. So I have a good idea of how many kits to sign up for.

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