Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Budding Artist?

I just have to share the work of my budding artist! Aiden is six and usually I work on digital designs in the afternoon while he is at school and Kian (1) is napping. But these last couple of weeks we had a few snow days, so Aiden was home while I was working on the Little Firefighter kit. He told me he wanted to draw something on the computer too, so I set up paint for him. It wasn't until this morning though that he showed me what he had made.

Here is a picture of the kit for comparison:

 Aiden's Emergency Cone
Aiden's Fire Alarm

Aiden's fireman hose

What a good eye he has! And he did these in Paint! I think I may be hiring him to help me out. It also surprised me how much he must have been paying attention to what I was doing even though it didn't seem like he was. I wonder how many other things he has noticed that I didn't think he had picked up on...

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