Thursday, January 2, 2014

Layout A Week Challenge: Week 1 Happy New Year!

For the last couple of years I've been challenging myself to create at least one layout a week. Sometimes it's easy, other times it's hard to even do a simple layout. This year, I am challenging myself to take it a step further and provide you all with something to make it easier for you to complete this challenge as well. Sometimes (like this week) it will be a quick page where all you have to do is add your photos. Other times, it will be a sketch or template, or even a freebie set.

Here is the layout I created:

Here is the quick page. Simply right click on the image and save it (should be a .png image) Then open it in your photo editing program and add your photos and save it. Now wasn't that easy! Hooray you did a layout!
The page was made with the Ring In The New Year Paper Pack and Ring In the New Year Embellishment Set found in our store.

Here is to a happy and productive year! Be sure to check back next week for a new challenge.

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