Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Long Hiatus Layout A Week: Week 17-20

After a much needed vacation and a few weeks spent replacing siding on our home and painting it, life is finally mostly back to normal here. I apologize for the long break!

I have been working on layouts though. I've been creating simple templates and using them to scrap some simple layouts. I don't know about anyone else but I take way, way more photos of my kiddos than I'll probably ever be able to actually scrap, but I still want to present them nicely in my scrapbook. So I thought I would share them and some of the templates for you to use as well.

And a couple free templates for you! 

To download, click on the template, then right click and select save as. Be sure to save it as a .png image so it has a transparent background.

I would love to see your layouts using these templates feel free to share them here or in our forum. 

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