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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1st Deal of the Day: BasicGrey Recess Set SOLD OUT!

Set includes all of the alphabet sets from the BasicGrey Recess Line and die cut shapes perfect for creating school themed layouts.
1 12x12 sheet Recess Thickset Monograms
1 12x12 sheet Recess Nanoset Alphaget Stickers
1 12x12 sheet Recess Die Shapes
1 12x12 sheet Recess Middleset Mini Monograms

All for $3.50. Regular Retail price $9.99!

Help Kindred Creations serve you better. We are trying to get a good idea of how many Deals of the Day to stock. When we have the option to choose an amount, sometimes items are discontinued and there are only so many left! If you check Kindred Creations Daily, have bought from us in the past, buy from us on a regular basis, or would buy from Kindred Creations if items weren't already sold out, please leave us a comment telling us. Everyone who comments will be put in a draw for a free kit worth $25 from Kindred Creations!


Heather P. said...

I check your site EVERY day!! It's one of my favs!!!

Diane said...

There are so many times I cant log online in the morning then by the time I get on here, its sold out. I would DEF buy sold out items if there was any laying around.
Of all the day a deal sites Ive found, this one has the best prices/items

Laurie said...

I check daily and have bought in the past.

Joy said...

I check daily and have bought daily deals many times. I am more likely to buy if the deal is less expensive, especially the ones under five bucks including shipping. If the deal includes alphas then I am more likely to buy, and if it's alpha thickers then you'll get me every time! I don't like the "Three Bugs in a Rug" brand very much so I rarely buy those. Like everyone else, I love anything from BG, except that the Recess collection being featured today comes up repeatedly on all the daily deal websites and I've already got the whole collection.

Sherry F said...

I check the site everyday, and have nade quite a few purchases. Lately I haven't been able to check as early in the day so I miss out on a lot of items. Most recently, the MME Naturals set. I would def buy many of the sold out items if they became available again. I realize some are closeouts. Thanks for the great prices, and everything else you do !!

Unknown said...

I check your site about 4-5 times a week. I have purchased before and I really like the price of your items. Sometimes they are just not for me so I don't purchase. There have been a handful of times when I really wanted something but found that it was sold out.

Aimee D said...

I absolutely check it daily! I have bought from you in the past, buy from you on a regular basis and definitely would buy items if they weren't already sold out. I love, love, love your site!!!

Anonymous said...

I check your site almost daily and don't really have trouble with something being sold out that I really want. I like how you have "second chance" deals if the first one sells out too early sometimes. Thanks for the great site :D

--Fontaine (luvmarie83 AT hotmail DOT com)

Anonymous said...

have your site listed on my desk top and check every morning. I have purchased in the past and think your items are terrific. They don't cost $15 plus shipping, which is what I like the best! The prices are reasonable. I am new to scrapbooking and your site is great for starting up my collection and I can see me checking daily a year from now also. Basic Grey is great. I am not that familiar with other brands except 7 Gypsies and Daisy D. I like all stamps. The second chance deals I usually don't see since I only check in the mornings. Thanks!

karingbear said...

Many items sell out before I have a chance to check your site. Maybe offer a morning & an afternoon deal.

Anonymous said...

I too don't get to check until later in the day and usually they are sold out. Almost each time it is something I would have purchased had it been available.